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Dott. Karl Peter Puszkajler

Consulente, già Giudice della Corte d'Appello di Monaco

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Class action in Germania.

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Class action e strumenti di tutela da danno da investimento

Career history      

Latest public appointments (Bavarian Ministry of Justice, Germany, 1975 - 2011):

  • Judge (section president) - Court of Appeal (Oberlandesgericht) Munich, appeals in general and in banking & financial disputes (2003– 2011)

  • Judge (section president) - Regional Court (Landgericht) Munich, national and international   commercial and company cases (1994 - 2003) 



  • Arbitrator (Chair) in >30 national and international, ad-hoc und institutional arbitrations 

  • DIS–member (German Institution of Arbitration)

  • Arbitrator and Chairman in numerous commercial arbitrations, national and international, ad-hoc and institutional (1998 - present)


Main Areas of Practice

  • International Private Law and Procedure

  • Company law (inter-company disputes, director’s responsibility, M&A, asset valuation)

  • Commercial law (international sales, agency, supply of goods and services, construction)

  • Investor Protection (class actions), Finance and Banking

  • Criminal Law (also as background to tort litigation)

  • Since 2012: Counsellor in major Arbitrations and litigations (share holder claims, setting aside procedures (arbitration award), international bank  loans) 

  • Since 2012: Arbitrator in franchise and company law cases

  • Since 2012: IRZ-Projects in Kurdistan (enforcement procedures) and Tunisia (training for lawyers and judges) 

  • 2012 – 2017: Compliance work in Ethiopia (involving investigation in the UK)



Various articles on company, commercial and international private law

Co-author: Saenger/Inhester, GmbHG (Limited Liability Company)



  • Courses in EU and German company law et alia for judges and advocates in Russia, Latvia, Syria, Egypt and Tunisia (1999–present) 

  • Private international law for graduate students, Court of Appeal, Munich (1986 - 2006)

  • Member of the board of examinations, 2nd grade law degree, Ministry of Justice, Munich (1994 - 2017)


Consultancy and project management

  • Consultant to the government of Rwanda (Prosecutor General), Rebuilding of the legal system, based in Kigali (GTZ, German Agency for Technical Cooperation), cooperation with other donor countries and UNDP (9/1995 - 6/1996, 6/1998, 12/2002)

  • Programme consultancy for the German Foundation for International Legal Co-operation (IRZ) in Kurdistan (2012- 2016)

  • Programme evaluation, judicial defenders' project in Kigali/ Rwanda (Danish Centre for Human Rights, Copenhagen) (8/1997, 12/1999)


Professional affiliations

  • International Bar Association (IBA)

  • Company Law Association, Germany (VGR)

  • German-Italian Law Association


Pro Bono

Compliance officer for the non-profit foundation Menschen für Menschen (integrated rural development in Ethiopia) till  05/2016



  • 2nd grade law degree, Ministry of Justice, Munich (1975)

  • 3-years of practical training (District Court, Regensburg; other government agencies; EU Legal Service, Brussels) (1972 - 1975)

  • 1st grade law degree (honours), University of Regensburg, Germany  (1972)

  • Gymnasium (Humanities), Jesuit College Stella Matutina, Feldkirch /Austria (1958 - 1966)

  • Primary school in Calcutta / India (1952 - 1958)

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